
Can We Live Forever?

The Hollywood lost a great deal today. Artists are creative humans known to public. The world mostly sees the end results, not the efforts and agonies that have been paid off. No doubt the griefs theater goers experience are incompatible to those whom are the next of kin. Movies will go live again in cinemas for profits. News will talk about the passing for a while. The later generations won't recognise the names from their grandparents' era. Not every death gets to be on the breaking news. Every second, an average of 1.8 human dies, 4.2 are born. People we don't know are losing their loved ones as we're breathing and dreading on our lively days. One minute, we pay our condolences to all of the lost souls. I thought I forgot how his name looked like. I thought I mistook the definition of cancer, and die. I thought the news was a gimmick all he wanted was to return to an 'ordinary life'. I thought I could see more of his works. And all of us couldn't anymore.

If we were to know what tomorrow holds, where will tomorrow go?

There are plentiful theories that you don't and won't believe There are a world full of methods and results which you doubt deeply There are roads the others take yet your heart refuse to follow, and have to lose yourself repeatedly in the end There are mid nights where you dance on a roof of confidence in order to get struck into a pit hole filled with crippling pride Just because the demons say There you are today not putting enough in your brag bags There you are now facing your worth less than those words and pictures on your phone You're someone else's child Some lady took a risk and a leap so you could catch the first glimpse of light That's how you are alive and not so much of a why You're here not necessarily for a reason but you're here, right You're here to not just seek a grand purpose but to witness the bloom of springs and to learn about all of the sorrows in life The theories, the methods, the results, the roads you

Picking It Up Again

Hello world Hope you're listening Forgive me if I'm young For speaking out of turn There's someone I've been missing I think that they could be The better half of me They're in the wrong place trying to make it right But I'm tired of justifying So I say to you Come home I’ve finally decided to start this entry with the opening of “Come Home”. It’s a song written by Ryan Tedder, the frontman of no other band but OneRepublic. “Come Home” was one of the songs from OneRepublic’s debut album back in 2007. This song, to me, shares the same sensation as Green Day’s hit: “Wake Me Up When September Ends”. Songs can bring different meanings based on how we deduce them. More importantly, how we listen to them. Do we listen to the buzzing noises in our surroundings with our minds, with our hearts, with our bodies or with our ears? I have stumbled upon the stories behind Green Day’s renown hit before I completely understood about death. For those wh